API Docs

Script to generate the version, changelog and releasenotes from the git repository.

autosemver.api.get_authors(*args, **kwargs)

Given a repo and optionally a base revision to start from, will return the list of authors.

  • repo_path (str) – Path to the code git repository.
  • from_commit (str) – Refspec of the commit to start aggregating the authors from.

lexicographically sorted list of authors of the repo.

Return type:


autosemver.api.get_changelog(*args, **kwargs)

Given a repo path and an option commit/tag/refspec to start from, will get the rpm compatible changelog

  • repo_path (str) – path to the git repo
  • from_commit (str) – refspec (partial commit hash, tag, branch, full refspec, partial refspec) to start the changelog from
  • rpm_format (bool) – if set, the changelog will be suitable to be uses as rpm package changelog.

Rpm compatible changelog

Return type:


autosemver.api.get_current_version(*args, **kwargs)

Given a repo will return the version string, according to semantic versioning, counting as non-backwards compatible commit any one with a message header that matches (case insensitive):

sem-ver: .*break.*

And as features any commit with a header matching:

sem-ver: feature

And counting any other as a bugfix

Parameters:repo_path (str) – path to the git repository to get the version for.
Returns:Version string for that repository.
Return type:str
autosemver.api.get_releasenotes(*args, **kwargs)

Given a repo and optionally a base revision to start from, will return a text suitable for the relase notes announcement, grouping the bugs, the features and the api-breaking changes.

  • repo_path (str) – Path to the code git repository.
  • from_commit (str) – Refspec of the commit to start aggregating the authors from.
  • bugtracker_url (str) – URL to be prepended to any bug ids found in the commits.

Release notes text.

Return type:


autosemver.api.tag_versions(*args, **kwargs)

Given a repo will add a tag for each major version.

Parameters:repo_path (str) – path to the git repository to tag.